Saturday, December 27, 2008

2008 Christmas!

Another Christmas has come and gone! I think that everyone had a great time at this years Vanderveer Christmas. The turnout was not as good this year but we still had a good time visiting with those that were able to make it and the food was delicious! Here are a few of the pictures that I took this Christmas. To see ALL of the pictures that were taken, you can follow this link:

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Vanderveer Christmas 2008
Here is the info:

It's that time of year again. We all need to mark our calendars for the Vanderveer Christmas on December 27th. I'm thinking we need to dedicate this year to Aunt Elizabeth's memory and try to make it the biggest and best party yet!! That's what she would have wanted.....I'm sure of that!! Since we've outgrown my house, I've reserved the fellowship hall at the Troy United Methodist Church again. It seemed to work out fine last year. If you weren't there last year and don't know where it is, it's really easy to's right on the interstate in Troy. If you have trouble finding it, stop at any of the stores in town and they'll direct you to it. I think we usually try to eat around noon, but some of us will be there starting at around 10:00. I'm thinking we'll probably need 3 turkeys and 3 big dressings and probably 2 hams, so let me know if you want to volunteer to bring one of those. As for the rest of the meal, it always seems to work out if everybody just brings whatever they like to cook.....vegetables, desserts, salads, etc. Tooter and I will provide all the paper goods and drinks. Don't forget the gift exchange, too. If you want to participate, bring a $5 gift and join in the fun. Invite anybody you think would like to come.... the more the merrier!! Please forward this to anyone whose email address I don't have. Let me know if I've forgotten anything. See you on the 27th!!


You can email Susan if you have any questions

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Emma Monique Gersbach is here!

Born to Jon and Megan Gersbach (Gilliland) on May16, 2008.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Kirbi and Carlos' Wedding!

Congratulations to Kirbi and Carlos! They were married on April 26th. The wedding was absolutely gorgeous! And the reception was tons of fun! Check out some of the pictures that I took at the church and the reception hall.
Their first dance!

Just a FEW of the wedding party!

Shelbi and Kolby hugging!

Chance, Cameron, Ashton, and Kolby

Nicky & Kenady (sorry, don't know spelling!)

Aunt Elizabeth

Jennifer and Andi



Ashleigh and her man

Kolby and I (Erin)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Happy 30th Birthday to the Twins, Jennifer and Megan!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Here are some more of the pictures that I took at our Vanderveer Christmas this year. Make sure to send me your pictures so that I can get them posted! Send them to Thanks!!

p.s. Does anyone know if Nikki had her baby yet?? Send me some pictures if she has!

Friday, January 4, 2008


Hello Everyone!

This is Erin (Creech) Sims, I am Susan and Tooter's daughter and Kolby's Momma! I have created this blog to help everyone in the Vanderveer Family keep in touch throughout the year! My plan is to use this blog to keep everyone connected in the easiest format possible. It's real simple, I will post pictures from this year's Christmas get-together and from other events happening in the family -- weddings, births, special events, etc. It is your job to check back often to see what is going on! You can even leave comments for everyone to see. Just click on the comments button below each section and leave your name and message. It's that simple! Send me pictures that you took from our Christmas together and any other pictures you would like everyone to see. The pictures don't have to be from Christmas, they can be of anything; maybe pictures of family members that were not able to attend and so on. You can send them to me, Erin at and I will get them posted soon!

Now, pass this blog address on to everyone in our LARGE family!!

If you want to leave a comment or see other's comments here's what you do:

-Click on the comment link below that section

-Enter your comment and then click the nickname button and type your name

-Click publish your comment and you are done!

-To see other's comments you do the same - go to the comments link under that section and you should be able to see what everyone is saying!

Please let me know if you are having any problems with seeing the blog or the comments. My email address is