Vanderveer Christmas 2008
Here is the info:
It's that time of year again. We all need to mark our calendars for the Vanderveer Christmas on December 27th. I'm thinking we need to dedicate this year to Aunt Elizabeth's memory and try to make it the biggest and best party yet!! That's what she would have wanted.....I'm sure of that!! Since we've outgrown my house, I've reserved the fellowship hall at the Troy United Methodist Church again. It seemed to work out fine last year. If you weren't there last year and don't know where it is, it's really easy to's right on the interstate in Troy. If you have trouble finding it, stop at any of the stores in town and they'll direct you to it. I think we usually try to eat around noon, but some of us will be there starting at around 10:00. I'm thinking we'll probably need 3 turkeys and 3 big dressings and probably 2 hams, so let me know if you want to volunteer to bring one of those. As for the rest of the meal, it always seems to work out if everybody just brings whatever they like to cook.....vegetables, desserts, salads, etc. Tooter and I will provide all the paper goods and drinks. Don't forget the gift exchange, too. If you want to participate, bring a $5 gift and join in the fun. Invite anybody you think would like to come.... the more the merrier!! Please forward this to anyone whose email address I don't have. Let me know if I've forgotten anything. See you on the 27th!!
You can email Susan if you have any questions