Thursday, January 24, 2008

Here are some more of the pictures that I took at our Vanderveer Christmas this year. Make sure to send me your pictures so that I can get them posted! Send them to Thanks!!

p.s. Does anyone know if Nikki had her baby yet?? Send me some pictures if she has!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is Kyle Sherrill (Randolph Vanderveer's grandson and Linda Sherrill's son) over in Houston.
Nice to see everyone's smiling faces! Sorry that we couldn't make it back over at Christmas time. Things were unusually hectic and my wife's aunt Angie was in poor health. She passed away on the fourth of January. Since Aunt Angie had no husband or children, my wife Toni played a major role in looking after her over the last six months.
Other than that, things are going well here!
Love, Kyle, Toni and Aiden (18mo) Sherrill